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What no doctor or school will teach you about your period.

You'd think that in 2023 we'd have proper education about menstrual cycles, hormones, and periods, and yet... we don't. Whether you're 8 or 48, I'll teach you everything you need to know about how your cycle works, what's really normal, and how your hormones impact your everyday life (for the better!)


My "Why"

You deserve to understand your own body. You deserve to feel the joy & vitality that comes from a thriving, happy cycle instead of fighting against your period like so many of us have. Understanding my cycle has helped me heal physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. If I could help just ONE woman turn dread into joy and pain into peace, it will all be worth it.


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Beyond the Basics

A girl's period is considered her 5th vital sign- Does she know what to look for? Do you? Her period isn't just about bleeding once a month- her entire hormone system is changing (for the better!) This impacts her in sports, school, and socially.


School curriculum in 2023 teaches more about phases of pregnancy than they do phases of the menstrual cycle. Let's do better for the next generation.


Find Your Flow

Learn everything you should've been taught about your cycle, including how your hormones impact your everyday life (not just your period) and how your cycle is your built-in secret to success in life whether that's at home, work, or the gym. You weren't designed to function the same every day, and that's a good thing!


Grab some friends & join this 1-hour workshop for just $10 a ticket.

What to Expect

The latest evidence-based info

An open, comfortable space

Guides & Worksheets

Connect with others who have similar questions & values

Q & A for all of your questions

Newfound confidence & real empowerment

Past Events



The Workshop that started it all! I started this 6-week event not knowing if anyone else cared to learn about cycles and periods, but every week new people joined- including roommates, friends, and even husbands. 


In a collaboration with the amazing Flourishing Female, we hosted a one-night mini workshop to dive into all the basics of hormones and the menstrual cycle. I'm pretty sure everyone's jaw dropped at least once as we busted common myths and shared information that should be common knowledge.

Ready to get this period party started?

Join a Workshop!

Have questions before jumping in? Let's chat.

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