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Welcome, friend!

I never imagined myself as a entrepreneur, business owner, and publicly speaking about periods 24/7. So, how did this all start? 


Cycleway was inspired by my personal health journey and struggles. If you haven't read my story yet, click here to see how I went from hospital visits and desperately looking for answers to THRIVING with my cycle in my everyday life (including pain-free periods).


How Cycleway Started

Shortly after starting my health journey and going off of birth control, I felt like something was off in my life. Rather than be upset and angry, I leaned into that intuition. I spent some time alone journaling my thoughts to figure out what I was missing. As I was writing, a random thought came to me that I needed to share everything I was learning with others. It really was random- I can’t even find anything about this experience in my journal from that day! I had this image in my mind of a workshop with a small group of women and teaching them about the menstrual cycle.


I knew God was asking me to do something way outside of my comfort zone, unlike anything I'd ever done in my life.


There were a lot of hold backs. At the time, I was going to school full-time and working part-time, so most of my days were already full. I thought to myself, “I just started learning this myself a couple months ago, there’s no way I’m prepared or qualified to teach this.” I didn’t know if anyone else would care or be interested at all, but still I made flyers and started inviting people anyway.


I felt God encouraging me through it. After all, these are the basics everyone should know, and there I knew there were others in a similar situation as I was- struggling with their period and struggling to find any answers or help.

The First Workshop

I put together a 6-week workshop. We met every week and talked about a new topic each time, including birth control, fertility, Eve & the Creation, and more. I invited friends from my classes (when teachers would let me) and some of them ended up bringing their friends & husbands too! It was amazing to gather together and hear each other’s experiences, questions, and struggles. Friends were talking about periods in an all new way, and so were couples at home.


While it was no where near perfect, I am so glad I did it. I started to see the need for educating women about their menstrual health and to give them hope for healing, fertility, and true empowerment. I saw the potential it had to not only change individuals’ lives, but also their relationships and communities for the better.

Taking Off

After the workshop, I thought about doing another one, but I started to think bigger. This wasn’t just needed on a local level, but nationally and globally. I started an Instagram page (@cycleway.workshop) and started writing down all the ideas I had for future workshops, products, and ways to help educate women and girls. It was now my last semester in college and my entire schedule was electives, so I took classes that would help me launch Cycleway like social media, nutrition, graphic design, etc.


Now here we are today- educating women about their menstrual health and giving them hope that God has a plan for them and designed them to THRIVE. We are planning more workshops and creating products that help us learn and live with our cycles day-to-day.


I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us as women, and for our community here with Cycleway.

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